Pump example

1 Introduction

Dummy introduction text.

1.1 Dummy sub-section

2 System specification decomposition level 1

This chapters describes the system of interest at the first decomposition level. That is, it describes 2 components which play a role within the environment in which the system of interest must operate and the (functional) interactions between those components. In Figure the associated design-structure-matrix (DSM) is shown. The DSM shows the dependencies between the elements that are relevant to this decomposition level.

component – function spec dependency matrix of decomposition level 1.

2.1 Drive-mechanism

This section describes drive-mechanism.


The following properties are specified for drive-mechanism:

2.1.1 Goal function requirements

Drive-mechanism must provide torque to pump.
Dummy comment.

2.1.2 Transformation function requirements

drive-mechanism → convert-power-potential
Drive-mechanism must convert power-potential into torque.
Subordinate function specifications
drive-mechanism → motor → convert-power drive-mechanism → bs-provide-power drive-mechanism → power-source → convert-potential

2.1.3 Quantitative design constraints

Drive-length must be equal to pump-length .

2.1.4 Qualitative design requirements

Drive-mechanism must be IP68 compliant.
Drive-mechanism must be affordable.
Provide-torque must be very reliable.

2.1.5 External models

drive-mechanism → power-source → efficiency-model
model definition name
related variables

drive-mechanism → power-potential

drive-mechanism → power

2.1.6 Sub-components

Drive-mechanism is composed of the following sub-components:

2.2 Pump

This section describes pump.


Can be sourced by manufacturer XYZ. Part number CFG.PMP.0.1


The following properties are specified for pump:

2.2.1 Transformation function requirements

pump → convert-torque
Pump must convert torque into water-flow.

2.2.2 Quantitative design requirements

Water-flow must be at least 1.0 [L/s].
Water-flow must be at most 3.0 [L/s].

2.2.3 Quantitative design constraints

Drive-length must be equal to pump-length .

2.2.4 Qualitative design requirements

Provide-torque must be very reliable.
Water-flow must be very stable.

3 System specification decomposition level 2

This chapters describes the system of interest at decomposition level 2 and introduces 4 additional components. In Figure the associated design-structure-matrix (DSM) is shown. The DSM shows the dependencies between the elements that are relevant to this decomposition level.

component – function spec dependency matrix of decomposition level 2.

3.1 Power-button

This section describes power-button. This component is a sub-component of drive-mechanism.


The following properties are specified for power-button:

3.1.1 Goal function requirements

drive-mechanism → pb-send-signal-01
Power-button must send power-button-state to power-source.

3.1.2 Transformation function requirements

drive-mechanism → power-button → convert-force-01
Power-button must convert actuation-force into power-button-state.

3.1.3 Behavior requirements

drive-mechanism → power-button → button-state-behavior

Case Pressed:


  • button-position is smaller than 0


  • power-button-state must be equal to “Pressed” Case NotPressed:


  • button-position is at least 0


  • power-button-state must be equal to “NotPressed”

3.2 Kill-switch

This section describes kill-switch. This component is a sub-component of drive-mechanism.


The following properties are specified for kill-switch:

3.2.1 Goal function requirements

drive-mechanism → ks-send-signal-02
Kill-switch must send kill-switch-state to power-source.

3.2.2 Transformation function requirements

drive-mechanism → kill-switch → convert-force-01
Kill-switch must convert actuation-force into kill-switch-state.

3.2.3 Behavior requirements

drive-mechanism → kill-switch → button-state-behavior

Case Pressed:


  • button-position is smaller than 0


  • kill-switch-state must be equal to “Pressed” Case NotPressed:


  • button-position is at least 0


  • kill-switch-state must be equal to “NotPressed”

3.3 Power-source

This section describes power-source. This component is a sub-component of drive-mechanism.

3.3.1 Goal function requirements

drive-mechanism → bs-provide-power
Power-source must provide power to motor.

3.3.2 Transformation function constraints

drive-mechanism → power-source → convert-potential
Power-source does convert power-potential into power.

3.3.3 Behavior requirements

drive-mechanism → power-source → toggle-power

Case on:


  • power-button-state is equal to Pressed [-]


  • power must be at least 300 [W] Case default:

when no other case applies, then:

  • power must be equal to 0 [W]
drive-mechanism → power-source → kill-power

Case emergency:


  • kill-switch-state is equal to Pressed [-]


  • power must be equal to 0 [W]

3.3.4 Quantitative design requirements

drive-mechanism → power-source → max-power
Power must be at most 400 [W].

3.3.5 External models

drive-mechanism → power-source → efficiency-model
model definition name
related variables

drive-mechanism → power-potential

drive-mechanism → power

drive-mechanism → power-source → heat-model
model definition name
required variables

drive-mechanism → power

drive-mechanism → power-source → heat-generation-coefficient

returned variables
drive-mechanism → power-source → heat-flux

3.4 Motor

This section describes motor. This component is a sub-component of drive-mechanism.

3.4.1 Goal function requirements

Motor must provide torque to pump.
Dummy comment. This goal function requirement automatically migrated from drive-mechanism.

3.4.2 Transformation function requirements

drive-mechanism → motor → convert-power

Motor must convert power into torque, with subclauses:

  • conversion must be at least 0.8
Subordinate function specifications
drive-mechanism → motor → rotor → ba-convert-flux-and-power

3.4.3 Quantitative design requirements

drive-mechanism → power-source → max-power
Power must be at most 400 [W].

3.4.4 Qualitative design requirements

Provide-torque must be very reliable.

3.4.5 External models

drive-mechanism → power-source → efficiency-model
model definition name
related variables

drive-mechanism → power-potential

drive-mechanism → power

drive-mechanism → power-source → heat-model
model definition name
required variables

drive-mechanism → power

drive-mechanism → power-source → heat-generation-coefficient

returned variables
drive-mechanism → power-source → heat-flux

3.4.6 Sub-components

Motor is composed of the following sub-components:

4 System specification decomposition level 3

This chapters describes the system of interest at decomposition level 3 and introduces 2 additional components. In Figure the associated design-structure-matrix (DSM) is shown. The DSM shows the dependencies between the elements that are relevant to this decomposition level.

component – function spec dependency matrix of decomposition level 3.

4.1 Rotor

This section describes rotor. This component is a sub-component of drive-mechanism → motor.

4.1.1 Goal function requirements

Rotor must provide torque to pump.
Dummy comment. This goal function requirement automatically migrated from drive-mechanism.

4.1.2 Transformation function requirements

drive-mechanism → motor → rotor → ba-convert-flux-and-power
Rotor must convert magnetic-flux and power into torque.

4.1.3 Quantitative design requirements

drive-mechanism → power-source → max-power
Power must be at most 400 [W].

4.1.4 Qualitative design requirements

Provide-torque must be very reliable.

4.1.5 External models

drive-mechanism → power-source → efficiency-model
model definition name
related variables

drive-mechanism → power-potential

drive-mechanism → power

drive-mechanism → power-source → heat-model
model definition name
required variables

drive-mechanism → power

drive-mechanism → power-source → heat-generation-coefficient

returned variables
drive-mechanism → power-source → heat-flux

4.2 Stator

This section describes stator. This component is a sub-component of drive-mechanism → motor.

4.2.1 Goal function requirements

drive-mechanism → motor → st-provide-flux
Stator must provide magnetic-flux to rotor.

5 Conclusion

Dummy conclusion text.

5.1 Dummy sub-section

6 List of variables

6.1 Definitions

Variable Type Domain Units Clarification
drive-length Spatial 0.0 x
drive-mechanism → kill-switch → actuation-force Mechanical-energy-flow Nm
drive-mechanism → kill-switch → button-position Spatial 0.0 x
drive-mechanism → kill-switch-state Status-signal enumeration of Pressed and NotPressed
drive-mechanism → motor → conversion Efficiency 0.0 x 1.0
drive-mechanism → motor → magnetic-flux Magnetic-energy-flow
drive-mechanism → power Electrical-energy-flow W
drive-mechanism → power-button → actuation-force Mechanical-energy-flow Nm
drive-mechanism → power-button → button-position Spatial 0.0 x
drive-mechanism → power-button-state Status-signal enumeration of Pressed and NotPressed
drive-mechanism → power-potential Chemical-energy-flow 0.0 x
drive-mechanism → power-source → heat-flux Thermal-energy-flow
drive-mechanism → power-source → heat-generation-coefficient Constant
pump-length Spatial 0.0 x
torque Mechanical-energy-flow Nm must be high.
water-flow Liquid-material-flow L/s