
Expressions to store and reason about values and boundaries.

Module Contents#



Some kind of data value. Do not use this, but use a derived class instead.


A value with an optional unit. Don't modify these objects in-place, create a new


Class representing a variable or parameter as value.


Base class of an expression.


Class storing a comparison.


A relation between a variable and either a value or a variable.


An intended direction for a variable. Note that the 'maximize' parameter


Disjunctive expression (also known as 'or' expression).



class raesl.compile.ast.exprs.DataValue#

Some kind of data value. Do not use this, but use a derived class instead.

abstract get_units() Set[str] | None#

Obtain the units of the value. Gives a set of names without square brackets where lack of units results in the empty set, and not supporting units gives None.


Names of the available units without square brackets or None.

class raesl.compile.ast.exprs.Value(value: raesl.compile.scanner.Token, unit: raesl.compile.scanner.Token | None = None)#

Bases: DataValue

A value with an optional unit. Don’t modify these objects in-place, create a new object instead.

  • value – Stored value as text.

  • unit – Either None or text describing the unit. Treat as read-only, as changing it may break the cache.


Units of the literal after normalizing self.unit. Computed on demand.

get_units() Set[str] | None#

Obtain the units of the value. Gives a set of names without square brackets where lack of units results in the empty set, and not supporting units gives None.


Names of the available units without square brackets or None.


Return self==value.


Return repr(self).

class raesl.compile.ast.exprs.VariableValue(var_tok: raesl.compile.scanner.Token)#

Bases: DataValue

Class representing a variable or parameter as value.

  • var_tok – Token stating the possibly dotted name of the variable.

  • var_node – If not None, the node represented by the object. Set during type checking.

get_units() Set[str] | None#

Obtain the units of the value. Gives a set of names without square brackets where lack of units results in the empty set, and not supporting units gives None.


Names of the available units without square brackets or None.

class raesl.compile.ast.exprs.Expression#

Base class of an expression.

class raesl.compile.ast.exprs.Comparison(is_constraint: bool)#

Bases: Expression

Class storing a comparison.


is_constraint – Whether the comparison is considered to be a constraint rather than a requirement.

class raesl.compile.ast.exprs.RelationComparison(is_constraint: bool, lhs_var: VariableValue, isaux_tok: raesl.compile.scanner.Token, cmp_tok: raesl.compile.scanner.Token, rhs_varval: DataValue)#

Bases: Comparison

A relation between a variable and either a value or a variable.

  • is_constraint – Whether the comparison is considered to be a constraint rather than a requirement.

  • lhs_var – Left hand side variable being compared.

  • isaux_tok – ‘is’ for a constraint, else the aux word for expressing strength of the comparison.

  • cmp_tok – One of the key words that expression the comparison to perform.

  • math_compare – Translated ‘cmp_tok’, with the ascii math text.

  • rhs_varval – Right hand side variable or value.

get_location() raesl.types.Location#

Return a location to point at the comparison for error reporting purposes.

class raesl.compile.ast.exprs.ObjectiveComparison(lhs_var: VariableValue, aux_tok: raesl.compile.scanner.Token, maximize: bool)#

Bases: Comparison

An intended direction for a variable. Note that the ‘maximize’ parameter controls both the ‘maximize’ and ‘minimize’ desires.

  • lhs_var – Variable with the objective.

  • aux_tok – One of the auxiliary verbs expressing strength of the objective.

  • maximize – If set the comparison expresses the desire to maximize the variable.


Opposite of maximize.

property minimize: bool#
get_location() raesl.types.Location#

Return a location to point at the comparison for error reporting purposes.

class raesl.compile.ast.exprs.Disjunction(childs: Sequence[Expression])#

Bases: Expression

Disjunctive expression (also known as ‘or’ expression). It is true iff at least one of it child expressions is true.


childs – Child expressions of the disjunction. It is recommended to have at least two children in an object.