Line matcher state machines for type definitions.
Module Contents#
State machine part implementing the 'unit-specification' rule. |
Convert a unit specification to a list of unit names, if it exists. |
State machine part implementing the 'enumeration-specification' rule. |
State machine part implementing the short 'enumeration-specification' rule. |
Convert an enumeration specification to a number of values if it exists in the |
State machine part implementing the 'interval-specification' rule. |
Convert an interval specification of a line to a (disjunctive) sequence of |
State machine part implementing the 'constant-specification' rule. |
Convert a constant specification of a line to a Value if it exits. |
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs.get_unit_specification_part(start_loc: str, end_1locs: List[str], prefix: str = '') str #
State machine part implementing the ‘unit-specification’ rule.
- unit-specification ::=
“with” ( “unit” | “units” ) UNIT-NAME { “,” UNIT-NAME }
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs._convert_unit_spec(tags: Dict[str, List[raesl.compile.scanner.Token]]) List[raesl.compile.scanner.Token] | None #
Convert a unit specification to a list of unit names, if it exists.
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs.get_enumeration_specification_part(start_loc: str, end_2locs: List[str], prefix: str = '') str #
State machine part implementing the ‘enumeration-specification’ rule.
- enumeration-specification ::=
“is” “an” “enumeration” “of” VALUE [ UNIT ] { “,” VALUE [ UNIT ]}
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs.get_short_enumeration_specification_part(start_loc: str, end_2locs: List[str], prefix: str = '') str #
State machine part implementing the short ‘enumeration-specification’ rule.
- short-enumeration-specification ::=
“enumeration” “of” VALUE [ UNIT ] { “,” VALUE [ UNIT ]}
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs._convert_enum_spec(tags: Dict[str, List[raesl.compile.scanner.Token]]) List[raesl.compile.ast.exprs.Value] | None #
Convert an enumeration specification to a number of values if it exists in the given tags.
- Parameters:
tags – Tags from the matched line.
- Returns:
Values of the enumeration.
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs.get_interval_specification_part(start_loc: str, end_4locs: List[str], prefix: str = '') str #
State machine part implementing the ‘interval-specification’ rule.
- interval-specification ::=
“of” interval { “or” interval }
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs._convert_interval_spec(tags: Dict[str, List[raesl.compile.scanner.Token]]) List[Tuple[raesl.compile.ast.exprs.Value | None, raesl.compile.ast.exprs.Value | None]] | None #
Convert an interval specification of a line to a (disjunctive) sequence of expressions, if such a specification exists in the given tags.
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs.get_constant_specification_part(start_loc: str, end_2locs: List[str], prefix: str = '') str #
State machine part implementing the ‘constant-specification’ rule.
- constant-specification ::=
“equal” “to” VALUE [ UNIT ]
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs._convert_constant_spec(tags: Dict[str, List[raesl.compile.scanner.Token]]) raesl.compile.ast.exprs.Value | None #
Convert a constant specification of a line to a Value if it exits.
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs._DEFINE_TYPE_SPEC = Multiline-String#
Show Value
""" define_type: start initial; start -> s1 [DEFINE_KW] tag=define; s1 -> s2 [TYPE_KW]; end accept=define_type; s2 -> end [NL_TK]; s2 -> end [EOF_TK]; """
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs._process_define_type(tags: raesl.compile.machine_files.typing.TokensDict, _accept: str, builder: raesl.compile.typechecking.ast_builder.AstBuilder) None #
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs._NEW_TYPE_SPEC#
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs._process_new_type_def(tags: raesl.compile.machine_files.typing.TokensDict, _accept: str, builder: raesl.compile.typechecking.ast_builder.AstBuilder) None #
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs._TYPE_IS_A_TYPE_SPEC#
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs._process_derived_type_def(tags: raesl.compile.machine_files.typing.TokensDict, _accept: str, builder: raesl.compile.typechecking.ast_builder.AstBuilder) None #
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs._BUNDLE_TYPE_SPEC = Multiline-String#
Show Value
""" bundle_type: start initial; start -> s1 [NAME] tag=bundle_name; s1 -> s2 [IS_KW]; s2 -> s3 [A_KW]; s3 -> s4 [BUNDLE_KW]; s4 -> s5 [OF_KW]; end accept=bundle_type; s5 -> end [NL_TK]; s5 -> end [EOF_TK]; """
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs._process_bundle_type(tags: raesl.compile.machine_files.typing.TokensDict, _accept: str, builder: raesl.compile.typechecking.ast_builder.AstBuilder) None #
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs._BUNDLE_FIELD_SPEC = Multiline-String#
Show Value
""" bundle_field: start initial; end accept=bundle_field; start -> s1 [STAR_TK]; s1 -> s2 [NAME] tag=field_name; s2 -> s3 [IS_KW]; s3 -> s4 [A_KW]; s4 -> s5 [NAME] tag=field_type; s5 -> end [NL_TK]; s5 -> end [EOF_TK]; """
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs._process_bundle_field(tags: raesl.compile.machine_files.typing.TokensDict, _accept: str, builder: raesl.compile.typechecking.ast_builder.AstBuilder) None #
- raesl.compile.machine_files.type_defs.MACHINES: raesl.compile.machine_files.typing.MachineTripletList = [('DEFINE_TYPE_MACHINE',), ('NEW_TYPE_MACHINE',), ('TYPE_IS_A_TYPE_MACHINE',),...#