
GraphView view functions for ESL.

Module Contents#


multi_domain(→ Tuple[List[ragraph.node.Node], ...)

Create multi-domain-matrix visualization based on an ESL derived graph.

hierarchy(→ Tuple[List[ragraph.node.Node], ...)

Filter nodes and create edges for drawing a hierarchical decomposition diagram.

functional_dependency(→ Tuple[List[ragraph.node.Node], ...)

Filter method for drawing a nested functional dependency structure.

traceability() → Tuple[List[ragraph.node.Node], ...)

Filter nodes and edges for drawing a traceability diagram.

function_chain() → Tuple[List[ragraph.node.Node], ...)

Filter nodes and edges for a function chain diagram.

functional_context() → Tuple[List[ragraph.node.Node], ...)

Filter nodes and edges for drawing a functional context diagram.

_add_component_goal_edges(→ List[ragraph.edge.Edge])

Create edges between component or cluster nodes if a goal cannot be related

raesl.plot.view_funcs.multi_domain(graph: ragraph.graph.Graph, node_kinds: List[str] | None = None, edge_kinds: List[str] | None = None, edge_labels: List[str] | None = None, edge_weights: List[str] | None = None, lead_components: List[ragraph.node.Node] | None = None, depth: int = 2) Tuple[List[ragraph.node.Node], List[ragraph.edge.Edge]]#

Create multi-domain-matrix visualization based on an ESL derived graph.

  • graph – Input graph object derived from an ESL specification.

  • node_kinds – The node kinds that are included in the plot. Defaults to all node_kinds present within the graph.

  • edge_kinds – The edge kinds that are included in the plot. Defaults to all edge_kinds present within the graph.

  • edge_labels – The edge labels that are shown in the plot. Defaults to all edge_labels present within the graph.

  • edge_weights – The edge weight types that are shown in the plot. Defaults to a single random edge weight present within the graph.

  • lead_components – The lead components to be used to select other nodes.

  • depth – Depth up to which lead components must be selected if no lead components are provided.


Node list and Edge list.

raesl.plot.view_funcs.hierarchy(graph: ragraph.graph.Graph, roots: List[ragraph.node.Node], levels: int) Tuple[List[ragraph.node.Node], List[ragraph.edge.Edge]]#

Filter nodes and create edges for drawing a hierarchical decomposition diagram.

  • graph – Source data graph.

  • roots – Roots of the hierarchical diagram.

  • levels – Number of levels to include in the diagram.


List of selected nodes and list of created edges.

raesl.plot.view_funcs.functional_dependency(graph: ragraph.graph.Graph, root: ragraph.node.Node, levels: int) Tuple[List[ragraph.node.Node], List[ragraph.node.Node]]#

Filter method for drawing a nested functional dependency structure.


graph: Instantiated ESL graph. root: Root node for which the dependency structure must be drawn. levels: Number of levels to include in the tree.


List of nodes and edges to be displayed.


This method assumes that the data source graph is generated from an ESL specification.

raesl.plot.view_funcs.traceability(graph: ragraph.graph.Graph, root: ragraph.node.Node, levels: int, style: raesl.plot.generic.Style = Style()) Tuple[List[ragraph.node.Node], List[ragraph.edge.Edge]]#

Filter nodes and edges for drawing a traceability diagram.

  • graph – Instantiated ESL graph.

  • root – The root transformation specification.

  • levels – Number of levels to include in the traceability diagram.

  • style – RaESL style options.


List of selected nodes and list of selected edges.

raesl.plot.view_funcs.function_chain(graph: ragraph.graph.Graph, start_points: List[Tuple[ragraph.node.Node, List[ragraph.node.Node]]], end_points: List[Tuple[ragraph.node.Node, List[ragraph.node.Node]]], levels: int = 1, style: raesl.plot.generic.Style = Style()) Tuple[List[ragraph.node.Node], List[ragraph.edge.Edge]]#

Filter nodes and edges for a function chain diagram.

  • graph – Instantiated ESL graph.

  • start_points – List of start-points for the function chains.

  • end_points – List of end-points for the function chains.

  • levels – Number of levels to decompose intermediate components into (if present).

  • style – style options class.


List of selected nodes and list of selected edges.

raesl.plot.view_funcs.functional_context(graph: ragraph.graph.Graph, root: ragraph.node.Node, degree: int, style: raesl.plot.generic.Style = Style()) Tuple[List[ragraph.node.Node], List[ragraph.edge.Edge]]#

Filter nodes and edges for drawing a functional context diagram.

  • graph – Instantiated ESL graph.

  • root – The root node for which the functional context diagram must be drawn.

  • degree – Degree up to which neighbors of neighbors must be sought.

  • style – RaESL style options.


List of selected nodes and list of selected edges.

raesl.plot.view_funcs._add_component_goal_edges(graph: ragraph.graph.Graph, tree: List[ragraph.node.Node], functions: List[ragraph.node.Node]) List[ragraph.edge.Edge]#

Create edges between component or cluster nodes if a goal cannot be related to a transformation:

  • graph – Instantiated ESL graph.

  • tree – List of components that are within the (sub)tree that is plotted.

  • functions – List of function specs that is plotted.


List of edges.