
Edge building for the instantiated output graph.

Reference: https://ratio-case.gitlab.io/docs/reference/esl_reference/dependency-derivations.html

Module Contents#



Edge storage with multiple categories for quicker access to specific subsets.



_generate_evbc(→ Generator[ragraph.edge.Edge, None, None])

Compute logical dependencies between variables for a behavior case specification.


Check if two component nodes have a behavior dependency.

_get_paths_between_all(→ List[List[str]])

Compute paths between nodes. Based on depth first search.

_get_paths(→ List[List[str]])

Collection all paths (list of node names) between the source node and the set of


Check if two function spec nodes have a behavior dependency.

class raesl.compile.instantiating.edge_building.EdgeStore#

Edge storage with multiple categories for quicker access to specific subsets.

categories = ['edges']#

Clear all edge categories.

add(edge: ragraph.edge.Edge, *args)#

Add node to self.nodes and any other specified maps in args.

consume(edges: Iterable[ragraph.edge.Edge], *args)#

Add any edges from an iterable to given categories.

class raesl.compile.instantiating.edge_building.EdgeFactory(diag_store: raesl.compile.diagnostics.DiagnosticStore, node_store: raesl.compile.instantiating.node_building.NodeStore | None = None)#
_add(edge: ragraph.edge.Edge, *args)#

Proxy for EdgeStore.add.

_consume(edges: Iterable[ragraph.edge.Edge], *args)#

Proxy for EdgeStore.consume.

_make(cat: str) List[ragraph.edge.Edge]#

Make an edge category if it is still empty and return it for quick access.

make_edges(node_store: raesl.compile.instantiating.node_building.NodeStore | None = None) List[ragraph.edge.Edge]#

Derive edges from a NodeStore object.


Compute functional dependencies between variable nodes.


Compute logical dependencies between variables for behavior specs.


Compute design dependencies between variables.


Compute function dependencies between component nodes.


Compute logical dependencies between components.


Create design dependencies between components.


Create traceability dependencies between function specifications.


Creating all functional dependencies between between goals and transforms.


Compute behavior dependencies between goal- and transformation specs.


Creating logical dependencies between behavior specifications.


Creating coordination dependencies between behavior specifications.


Create coordination dependencies between design specifications.


Create coordination dependencies between needs.


Create coordination dependencies between relations.


Compute mapping relations between components and functions.


Create mapping relations between components and variables.


Create mapping dependencies between components and behavior specs.


Create mapping dependencies between function specs and behavior specs.


Create mapping relations between behavior specifications and variables.


Create mapping relations between components and design requirements.


Create mapping relations between components and relations.


Construct mapping dependencies between function specs and variables.


Construct mapping dependencies between function specs and design specs.


Create mapping dependencies between functions specs and relation specs.


Create mapping dependencies between behavior requirements and design specifications.


Create mapping dependencies between behavior requirements and relation specifications.


Create mapping dependencies between variables and design specifications.


Create mapping relations between variables and relation specifications.


Create mapping dependencies between design specs and relation specs.


Create mapping dependencies between needs and all other elements.

raesl.compile.instantiating.edge_building._generate_evbc(behavior: ragraph.node.Node, case: Dict[str, Any], nodes: Dict[str, ragraph.node.Node]) Generator[ragraph.edge.Edge, None, None]#

Compute logical dependencies between variables for a behavior case specification.

  • behavior – Behavior specification that contains the case from which the logical dependencies must be derived.

  • case – The case from which the logical dependencies must be derived.

  • nodes – Dictionary of node name to Node object.


Corresponding edges.

raesl.compile.instantiating.edge_building._get_component_behavior_dependency(nodes: Dict[str, ragraph.node.Node], src: ragraph.node.Node, trg: ragraph.node.Node, ev_dict: Dict[Tuple[ragraph.node.Node, ragraph.node.Node], List[ragraph.edge.Edge]], vf_dict: Dict[str, List[ragraph.node.Node]]) ragraph.edge.Edge | None#

Check if two component nodes have a behavior dependency.

  • nodes – Dictionary from node to node name.

  • src – The source node for which the dependency must be checked.

  • trg – THe target node for which the dependency must be checked.

  • ev_dict – Dictionary of node pairs to list of edges.

  • vf_dict – Dictionary of variable name to function spec nodes.


An Edge if a behavior dependency exists. Otherwise None.

raesl.compile.instantiating.edge_building._get_paths_between_all(srcs=List[Node], trgs=List[Node], edges=List[Edge]) List[List[str]]#

Compute paths between nodes. Based on depth first search.

  • srcs – List of starting nodes of paths.

  • trgs – Set of ending nodes of path.

  • edges – List of edges between nodes.


List of lists of node names.

raesl.compile.instantiating.edge_building._get_paths(src: ragraph.node.Node, edge_dct: Dict[ragraph.node.Node, Dict[ragraph.node.Node, ragraph.edge.Edge]], trgs: Set[ragraph.node.Node], visited: List[ragraph.node.Node] = []) List[List[str]]#

Collection all paths (list of node names) between the source node and the set of target nodes.

  • src – The source nodes where all paths should start.

  • edge_dct – Dictionary of Node to Node to Edge. Contains the edges to be considered when searching for paths.

  • trgs – Set of node where the paths should end.

  • visited – List of nodes already visited. Required to prevent running in cycles.


List of lists of node names.

raesl.compile.instantiating.edge_building._get_function_behavior_dependency(nodes: Dict[str, ragraph.node.Node], src: ragraph.node.Node, trg: ragraph.node.Node, ev_dict: Dict[Tuple[ragraph.node.Node, ragraph.node.Node], ragraph.edge.Edge], vf_dict: Dict[str, List[ragraph.node.Node]]) ragraph.edge.Edge | None#

Check if two function spec nodes have a behavior dependency.

  • nodes – Dictionary from node to node name.

  • src – The source node for which the dependency must be checked.

  • trg – THe target node for which the dependency must be checked.

  • ev_dict – Dictionary of node pairs to edge.

  • vf_dict – Dictionary of variable names to function specs.


An Edge if a behavior dependency exists. Otherwise None.